My apologies to any Vegan subscribers because you'll already know a lot of this but there are some delicious food links for you later on.
Anyhow, I get this question quite a lot, I was raised as a Vegetarian so switching to Veganisim wasn't that much of a radical dietary change for me, still it baffles some people so I thought I'd shed some light on my eating habits.
A common misconception is that Vegans are all pale and skinny.
Well yes I am pretty pale (but then I have Scottish and Irish ancestry, both nationalities being known for their rather pale skintones), but skinny?
LOL have you seen me?
I am NOT skinny, I'm not fat, but I'm certainly not skinny.
I suppose I have a vintage vamp figure, I'm about the same size (but taller) than Louise Brooks:
Another one I hear a lot is that we Vegans live on "Rabbit food".
While it is true I love a good salad, I did not get all this from lettuce alone.
In a regular week I eat: Toast with Vegan Margarine, Humus and Salad Sandwiches, Linda McCartney Sausages, chips (aka fries), baked beans, Crisp sandwiches (aka potato chips), Linda McCartney Country Pie, steamed cauliflour, steamed carrots, mashed potatos, Lentil Dahl, rice, Nut Cutlets, tinned spaghetti, Pasta with tomato sauce, vegetable burger, steamed cabbage, steamed parsnips, roast potatoes, vegetable gravy, Vegan Ramen, spicy bean burger, mushy peas, vegetable and lentil curry (I love lentils, they're my comfort food), Falafel, Pita, rice and salad, spiced risotto, and sometimes maybe a pizza as a treat.
It's also a myth that you have to give up sweet things.
I'm not really as into sweet treats as I was when I was a child, but every now and then I will get a craving for cake.
But cake needs eggs and milk?
Oh no, the cakes in my favourite Vegan cake books Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World: 75 Dairy-Free Recipes for Cupcakes that Rule
and The Garden of Vegan: How It All Vegan Again!
do not, and the cakes from the aforementioned books are much moister and easier to cook than any of the none Vegan cakes I made before the switch.
It's also pretty easy to make Vegan friendly cookies, biscuits, jelly, ice cream, scones etc and there are a number of ready made brands popping up on supermarket shelves (there's an amazing company called Free From do really nice jam tarts) .
I've not tried either of these yet but my facebook friend Monsta found this recipe for Raspberry Tiramasu cupcakes (how good does that picture look?), and a few days back I found this recipe for Vegan Macarons :D
I do sometimes have trouble when I'm eating out, but usually it's a case of asking if I can have something from the Vegetarian choices "but without the cheese".
I tend to try to cook at least a few times a week, there are a vast number of awesome recipe books out there (as well as the two I already mentioned I'm a big fan of Skinny Bitch in the Kitch: Kick-Ass Recipes for Hungry Girls Who Want to Stop Cooking Crap (and Start Looking Hot!)
, Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook
and Linda Mccartney's Home Cooking
, the later not being 100% Vegan, but full of easily adaptable recipes), and the internet is full of recipes for Vegans who like to say NOM!
Some of my favourites being:
Linda McCartney (yes I know, she was like my food idol)
The Vegan Society (has a whole section on Scottish Vegan recipes, seriously try the haggis, it's not boiled inside a sheep so you have no excuse to miss out)'s vegetarian pages (again, not all vegan but there are a lot of vegan things there)
Vegan MoFo (contains a lot of what I like to call food porn)
Amusingly after all that talk of Veganisim I'm going to see Saw 3D tomorrow.
I'm not sure if I'll manage to post tomorrow or not yet, but rest assured, if I don't I haven't been murdered by Jigsaw and I'll likely post when I get back from Whitby on Monday :)
Day 10: Fairytale braids
I think I need a little more practice with this one, it was kind of harder than Torrin made it look :S